I do hope you love the fresh look and would appreciate some feedback if you have the time.
As I said in an earlier post, I've revamped all six ebook covers to spread the net wider and attract a larger readership (new covers pictured right and below). I do this not to dismiss the beautiful fanbase I already have—without you guys, I never would have got to book three, so thank you!—but I hope to appeal to those who may have swept past me in their online search for crime fiction, misunderstanding what my Ghostwriter books are all about, believing incorrectly, 'Oh that's not for me.'
Yes, they're fast-paced and fun to read.
No, they're not just for those under 30!
My 'Ghostie' Roxy Parker has a much wider appeal than that. And I know this because of the many people who write to me from around the world, complimenting my work and asking me to keep writing. These beloved fans come in all shapes and sizes, genders and age groups—from teenage girls to elderly men. It just doesn't matter.
What matters is the story behind the front cover, and I hope you find it intriguing enough now to take a second look. If you love a good mystery, an unpredictable plot, and characters who leap off the page and leave a small smile on your lips, then you won't be disappointed, I know you won't.
And if you've already read all six, then, again, thank you and let me know your thoughts.
Happy (more glamorous) reading everyone!
xo Christina
I just finished Killer Twist and decided to check out your blog. I googled your old covers and I definitely like the new ones better. The old ones certainly scream young adult or romcom.